Tag Archives: Testing

TWSL Series 09: Testing and Acceptance: Verification, Validation, and Acceptance (VV&A)

Today I gave this webinar for the Tom Woods School of Life Lunch and Learn Series. The slides are here.

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Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria

Acceptance criteria and evaluation criteria can almost be considered as two separate considerations, but they are presented together in the BABOK and I can see why. The BABOK states that acceptance criteria are the basis for determining whether a solution … Continue reading

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BA Webinar Series 07: Testing, aka VV&A

Today I gave this webinar for the Tampa IIBA Lunch and Learn Series. The slides are here.

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An Effective Framework for Verification, Validation, and Accreditation

I recently encountered a formal methodology for conducting VV&A efforts that I think is worthy of your consideration. Briefly, Verification shows whether a system works as specified, Validation shows whether the specification addresses the correct problem, and Accreditation shows whether … Continue reading

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A *LOT* of Ways to Test Software and Systems

Having developed software for systems large and small, as well as performed every kind of software testing services known to man – I’ve been involved with most kinds of software testing. Here are the major details from my experience. The … Continue reading

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