Reproducing A Clever Animation Product, Part 26

I got the basics of the fountain effect working. I defined forty elements, gave them random characteristics in a loop, set a delay of 1.5 seconds from the end of the previous animation element, then set the forty elements to begin flying on a 1.45 second setback following by a jump back 1.5 seconds. This has the effect of launching a new element every 0.05 seconds (twenty per second) for two seconds, with the elements all clearing after a further 1.5 seconds minus.

It could probably be tweaked a hair, but I hope you’ll agree that this is a respectable emulation of the effect shown on the Greensock home page. Again, I have no idea whether I’ve done this the same way they did, but it works well enough.

Here is the initialization code. The handle006 element was already in place, but I added a clear instruction with a 1.5 second delay, as described above.

I’ll work on looping back at a later date, since I’m currently doing a very long road trip to clear my mind before coming back home to get back at it. Please feel free to contact me as I’m traveling.

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