I found it helpful to review my notes on the role of a Scrum Product Owner and place an outline here to which I can refer quickly.
- Three Pillars of Scrum
- Transparency
- Inspection
- Adaptation
- Iron Triangle (from Project Management)
- Scope
- Cost
- Schedule (Time)
- Scrum Ceremonies
- Sprint Planning
- all team members including Product Owner
- Dev Team commits to complete a negotiated amount of work from the highest-priority PBIs (Product Backlog Items)
- Daily Scrum
- Dev Team, ScrumMaster
- What did I do yesterday?
- What am I going to do today?
- What impediments do I face?
- presence of Product Owner can be very helpful to answer questions
- Dev Team, ScrumMaster
- Sprint Review
- mainly review what was accomplished
- outside managers are encouraged to attend
- Sprint Retrospective
- mainly review the team’s internal process
- mostly just for Dev Team and ScrumMaster
- Product Backlog Refinement
- Product Owner with Stakeholders, SMEs, Customers, Managers
- Also work with ScrumMaster, less with Dev Team
- Sprint Planning
- Scrum Artifacts
- Product Backlog
- Sprint Backlog
- Product Increment
- Product Owner Activities
- Inward-Facing: Work with the Scrum Team
- Release Planning
- Sprint Planning
- Daily Scrum
- Answer Questions
- Validate PBI (Product Backlog Item)
- Sprint Review
- Outward-Facing: Work outside the Scrum Team
- Work with SMEs, Stakeholders, and Customers
- Understands Needs
- Validate Product
- Groom/Refine Backlog
- Create PBIs (Product Backlog Items)
- Split PBIs
- Reorder the Product Backlog
- Inward-Facing: Work with the Scrum Team
- Product Owner Responsibilities
- Gathers input from stakeholders
- Establishes a high-level vision and goals
- Obtains a budget
- Identifies ways to improve business value
- Optimizes ROI
- Establishes clear release criteria
- Prioritizes the product backlog
- evolves the product backlog
- clarifies user stories
- maintains a release burndown chart
- Balance for Scrum Roles
- Product Owner: Build the Right Thing
- Development Team: Build the Thing Right
- ScrumMaster: Build the Thing Effectively
- Levels of Planning (small -> large)
- Daily Planning
- Sprint Planning
- Release Planning
- Roadmap Planning
- Vision Planning
- Scrum Overview
- Idea->Product Vision
- Roadmap
- Initiation – Sprint 0
- Releases 1-n
- Sprint 1
- Sprint Plan
- Sprint (days)
- Day 1
- Day …
- Day n
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Retrospective
- Produces a Product Increment
- Meets Definition of Done
- Increment usable by customer
- Release (final)
- Sprint n
- Sprint Plan
- Sprint (days)
- Day 1
- Day …
- Day n
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Retrospective
- Produces a Product Increment
- Meets Definition of Done
- Increment usable by customer
- Release (final)
- Release Review
- Release Retrospective
- Sprint 1
- Final Release
- Roadmapping
- Start from core functionality
- Minimal Marketable Features (MMF)
- Minimal Viable Product (MVP)
- Add working features and sets of features with each release
- Start from core functionality
- Release Planning
- Cadence-based (schedule-driven)
- Advantages
- Deliver functionality and business value earlier and more often
- Predictable schedule
- Predictable burn rate
- Sustainable pace
- Disadvantages
- Must slice scope to fit schedule
- Must use resources differently
- Teams are more interdependent
- Advantages
- Scope-based (feature-driven)
- Advantages
- Discrete Statements of Work (SOWs)
- Commodity oriented
- Disadvantages
- irregular delivery
- delay in business value
- resources may be used unevenly
- Teams are more independent
- Advantages
- Cadence-based (schedule-driven)
- User Stories
- Components
- As a [role (who)]…
- I want [feature (what)]…
- So that [business value (why)]…
- Acceptance Criteria
- help define done
- manage expectations
- lead to new requirements
- attributes:
- objective
- measurable
- testable
- Importance of components
- Why
- Who (personas)
- What
- Acceptance criteria
- How
- User Roles
- How often do they use the system?
- How technically savvy are they?
- How much domain knowledge do they have?
- What are their goals?
- What are their pain points?
- Components
- Grooming
- Progressive Elaboration
- Higher-priority, sooner-to-be-completed items are smaller and better defined.
- Lower-priority, farther-in-the-future items are larger and less defined
- Attributes of a good user story
- Independent
- Negotiable
- Valuable
- Estimatable
- Small (no more than 1/2 sprint and only one of those)
- Testable
- Dependencies for:
- Business: Product Owner resolves
- Technical: Dev Team Resolves
- Splitting User Stories
- When to split stories
- Split stories that are dependent on each other
- Split stories that are too big
- Split stories into spikes if complex or risky
- Split compound Stories
- How to split stories
- Stories should represent some level of end-to-end functionality
- Do not split into tasks like design/code/front/middle/back
- Deliver cohesive subset of all layers
- Do simplest thing that could work
- Horizontal vs. Vertical
- Horizontal: layers or hardware or software functionality (e.g., database, I/O, UI, security, user control, business rules, middleware, etc.)
- Vertical: units of business functionality that cut across or incorporate functionality from horizontal system layers (e.g., user login and management, transaction processing, reporting, etc.)
- Patterns for splitting stories
- Data boundaries
- local vs. international
- by credit card type
- by currency type
- Operational boundaries
- happy path vs. exceptional cases
- business rules
- Cross-cutting concerns
- security
- logging
- error handling
- Performance
- Priority
- necessity
- flexibility
- safety
- comfort, luxury, performance
- Data boundaries
- Development Approach: Iterate through…
- core operations
- capability, flexibility, safety
- usability, performance, sizzle
- Definition of Ready (for Dev Team to work on)
- Defines when PBIs are ready for Dev Team to consume
- Use INVEST as a guide
- When to split stories
- Progressive Elaboration
- Estimation
- Context
- Who provides the estimates?
- Who commits to the estimates?
- What units are used?
- Story Points
- based on relative effort
- based on volume of work, complexity, and risk
- Fibonacci sequence?
- Planning Poker
- all team members independently estimate
- estimates are compared and outliers are discussed
- consensus and understanding are reached
- Benefits
- fast techniques
- increases accuracy
- builds understanding
- drives commitment
- provides data points
- Context
- Sprint Planning
- Select highest business value stories
- Generate Sprint Backlog
- Determine what will be delivered
- Determine how it will be achieved
- Should take less than two hours per week of sprint
- Break PBIs into tasks and estimate
- End with Team’s forecast of what can be accomplished
- Task Board Columns (tasks per story by row, migrate tasks across)
- Task
- In-Progress
- To Verify
- Done
- Sprint Review
- Dev Team presents Product Increment
- Product Owner, Stakeholders, SMEs review the increment and provide feedback
- Feedback is processed by Product Owner and used to adjust backlog and release plans