Random Explorations

Over the past few weeks I met two nice people who have both built websites based on Jekyll (the newer one was actually based on OctoPress). As I’m redoing my website I’m trying to find a good way to make the blog content be somewhat deemphasized in favor of the more or less static content. The simplest way to do this would be to migrate the WordPress installation down one directory level and install the static content in the root (and its subdirectories). As it is now the static content that really should constitute the landing page is stored a couple of levels down. It and the resume page are linked semi-conspicuously at the top of the WordPress page so it’ll keep for now.

I will, however, pirate some of the layout ideas from the OctoPress framework, though I have no plans to use that framework. The front content is meant to be static, after all, and the blog content is the blog content. They are different. In the meantime the article layout of the “front” pages ends up being flexible and responsive without incorporating Bootstrap or something similar. The new stuff will make an appearance over the next couple of days and I’ll work out a more permanent solution after that.

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