Distributed simulation protocols: HLA vs. DIS, MMORPGs
Architecture: Deterministic vs. Stochastic
Generates the same output every iteration, given the same inputs.
Produces single-point results.
Examples: Newtonian models of physical systems, systems without random elements, climate models, model-predictive control systems (usually)
Can generate different outputs every iteration, given the same inputs (though groups of iterations should be repeatable with constant random number seeds).
Produces a range of results.
Examples: Quantum mechanical models of physical systems, systems with random elements, epidemiological models, maintenance models, project/risk models
Architecture: Deterministic vs. Stochastic (continued)
Involves running multiple trials of complex models including combinations of numerous randomly generated outcomes that yield a range of complex results.
Models may incorporate scheduled and unscheduled elements.
Process Automation is an example of simulating activities that used to be done by humans.
A typical business process may be thought of as a human-in-the-loop simulation, parts of which may be automated.
If the interaction of a human with a computer's user interface is automated, that is a form of Robotic Process Automation, and that has been done for decades. (I implemented Filenet terminal interfaces to legacy mainframes in 1994.)
Screen-scraping and text/gesture inputs.
UIPath and Selenium are more current examples.
Resources Required for Simulation
Computing power
Memory (dynamic and static)
Obtainable input data
Valid behavioral data
Choosing the right level of granularity
Outputs in actionable form
The Limits of Simulation
What changes could require more computing resources (processing and memory)?
more/smaller nodes
more/smaller time steps (Courant Limit)
more interactions
larger matrix calculations
more physical effects considered
more components included (e.g., atmospheric gases)
The Limits of Simulation (continued)
If you were going to simulate an atom, what would you have to include?
What would it take to do it?
The Limits of Simulation (continued)
What if you tried to simulate the entire Universe?
The Universe can only be an analog simulation of itself — from our point of view. (Other people may know better, but that's my take on it!)
Accuracy of Simulation
Do reasonable data exist? Is it obtainable?
Are the effects included greater than the margin of error?
Can including a new effect change the entire outcome?
Does being able to match known cases ensure accuracy for all unknown cases?
We'll talk about "tuning" models and doing VV&A in a couple sessions. In the meantime remember that...
"All simulations are wrong. Some are useful."
Newsworthy Examples of Not Adhering to Reality
Virology Models: not tuned, assumed solution, inaccurate data inputs, didn't scale across multiple processors, point answers instead of range answers, limited range of solutions tried
Global Climate Models: accuracy of method is inherently limited (especially over long time scales), too many effects not included (solar input, cosmic conditions, volcanoes, blowing sand, industrial particulates, rare events), too many effects modeled incorrectly (saturation limits runaway feedback, incomplete cloud models, whole lists of atmospheric effects and chemical reactions, local interactions between ground/water/air, changes in vegetation and ground cover), ridiculous and biased data inputs (ocean temperatures), incomplete understanding of past and inability to replicate past, chaos / sensitive dependence on initial conditions, total heat balance vs. local effects, overly "convenient" choices of sampling and reporting periods
Club of Rome / World Economic Models: no accounting for substitution effects, no understanding of Austrian economics and (and the unpredictability of) human action
Common issues: no funding for "wrong" findings, not considering all aspects of problem, not considering economic effects or liberty effects, lack of humility, belief in experts and the state, confusing the appearance of science with the way science actually works (scientism), reliance on consensus rather than correctness, "big man" problem, ineffective peer review, capture of journals and scientific research institutional apparatus, political power trips, protecting rice bowls
This presentation and other information can be found at my website: